Monday, September 29, 2008

Roman Art

Roman Art Vocabularly - Type up the definitions for each of the following terms to be turned in by Friday, October 3

1.Voussoirs 2.Roundels 3.Pilasters
4.Keystone 5.Buttressing 6.Spandrels
7.Arcade 8.Barrel vault
9.Groin vault 10.Hemispheric dome 11.Oculus 12.Plinth
13.Cornice 14.Sarcophagi 15.Senate 16.Patricians
17.Plebeians 18.Oligarchy 19.Colonnade 20.Octavius/Agustus
21.Vitruvius/Ten books of Architecture 22.Atrium 23.Peristyle
24. Atmospheric perspective
25. Nave 26.Clerestory 27.Coffers 28.Tesserae
29.Mosaic 30.tetrarch 31.verism 32.Christos

In addition, the following slides represent works you should be familiar with as we enter into our Roman unit. You should print out the presentation in "Notes" format in order to take notes regarding each piece including titles, dates, influences and of course your How and Why.

Talking Points
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

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